Amulet of luck with their own hands

From ancient times the people believed in the power of magic and its ability to protect them from evil unearthly forces. To this end, they make an amulet for luck, the strength of which does not depend on the form and material of production, but on the unshakable faith in its power.

amulet with runes for luck

Keep me, my mascot,

Keep me in the days of persecution,

In the days of repentance, excitement:

You were given to me in a day of sorrow.

Surely many people remember such wonderful lines of the famous poet, and although it was a special ring, for many people their own talismans are important in life and in most cases they are associated with more pleasant events designed to bring good luck.

In general, this is exactly the goal of every bright mascot: good luck in all endeavors, protection from trouble and good luck, in the end.

As our constant companions, they are small in size. Of course, this is also a strictly individual element, so we will tell you how to make an amulet with your own hands at home, this production approach is the most optimal.

Definition of an amulet and its function

types of amulets for luck

For many centuries, a significant number of people have tried to find certain objects, such magical properties that would help a person in his endeavors and actions or would protect him from trouble.

We can say that amulets and amulets during this time received their classification and division:

  • to protect its owner;
  • to warn of danger;
  • to help solve problems;
  • to attract happiness and luck.

It should be obvious that in the case of an attempt to use negatively in order to hurt others, such an amulet will inevitably lose its magical power. That is, the initial use is only for good and bright purposes.

But, we repeat, to get it for yourself, you do not need purely professional skills or acquire it banally. How to make an amulet for luck with your own hands, we will now tell you in detail.

First, the shape of the amulet

pendant amulet for luck

Some forms of amulets have a strict basis, that is, you must first set a clear goal - what it is intended for and, depending on that, decide on the type and material.

If the small size is usually understandable, as the amulet must always be with us, then each type of shape means the following:

  • the circle is a symbol of prosperity and harmony;
  • the oval is a sign of talent and flexibility in decision making;
  • square - symbolizes strength and perseverance, embodying the power of the four elements;
  • triangle - promotes contact with higher powers, attracts good luck.

These are the most common forms of magic items. Besides them, of course, there are others. For example, in the form of a star with different number of rays, silhouettes of animals, human heart, etc.

By the way, even a coin with a specially made hole to hang on a cord or chain, or already originally issued with a hole like Japanese or Chinese coins, can come out as an amulet. Such talismans, as a rule, for wealth and prosperity, can often be found as a modern attribute or decoration.

Even dice or a small wooden tablet are perfect as a square-shaped amulet. A talisman in the form of one or more knots is an excellent amulet against negative influences, on the one hand, and attracting good luck, on the other.

Second, the material for the amulet

wooden amulet for luck

There is certainly much more room for imagination here.

However, you must remember one important but iron rule:

The material for the amulet can only be extremely natural, without artificiality!

Not much less requirement, this preference is pleasant to the touch, because sometimes the amulet can move constantly with your fingers, which should cause only soothing and positive sensations.

Therefore, the first thing that hints is a tree, whose various interesting and attractive, and sometimes many, from a magical point of view, valuable species can be easily processed at home. Also popular are amulets made of metal or even different fabrics.

The magic of the signs of the zodiac

runes on the amulet for luck

Speaking of amulets, one cannot pass by the signs of the Zodiac, because each of them carries its own magic, reflected only in it, reflected in objects.

After all, we know well how they differ from each other, which means that if we talk about the individuality of the mascot, then we can not do without a finer setting for everyone.

For the most part, this process has already been described, all you have to do is try it out and apply it for yourself:

  • Aries, preferably round or square amulet, colors - orange, green;
  • Taurus, a mascot in animal form is desirable, more precisely even an elephant, the colors are bright;
  • Gemini, the best shape is in the form of keys or locks, the colors are blue, blue and white;
  • Cancer, the main forms are the heart or the moon, or the figurine or image of the cancer is made of gold, that is, the colors are golden;
  • A lion, a mascot with a round shape, or in the shape of the lion or eagle itself, the color is also golden;
  • Virgo, purely handmade from clay or plaster, bright colors;
  • Scales, also in shape, but the color material is silver;
  • Scorpio, in the form of a frog or with its image, the color is red;
  • Sagittarius, choosing bronze in the form of a horseshoe, arrow or scarab beetle;
  • Capricorn, an amulet in the form of a ladder or coin, the color or the material itself is gold;
  • Aquarius, again purely handmade, associated with the sky (flight) - a bird's feather or a small angel;
  • Pisces is the sign that is most associated with water, so only the color is determined for them - blue.

Basic conditions for creation

making an amulet for luck with your own hands

It should be no less obvious that amulets are not created at any time, but on certain days and even hours.

First, what you need to remember, once you have decided on the shape, color and material, it is best to start creating it with a rising moon. The Moon itself at this time contributes to all endeavors.

Second, there is a difference in the days of the week, as each has its own planet that must contribute, for example:

  • on Wednesday - in terms of money;
  • on Friday it is best to make love amulets;
  • on Sunday an amulet for luck is made.

Third, amulets need to be created only in an atmosphere of complete calm and concentration. Both candles and sunlight are suitable for lighting. At the same time, the condition should be calm - without irritability or negativity, only a positive emotional mood and not be distracted by anything.

Fourth, be sure to wrap the amulet in cloth as soon as you are done and place it under your pillow all night. This is important for a more complete connection of your subconscious with what you put in the mascot, fine-tuning, after which the amulet can be considered completely ready.

Fifth, another important rule is to try not to part with your amulet, always keep it with you, but do not show it to outsiders and also do not talk about its strength and capabilities. This special knowledge is too intimate to be known to outsiders without the risk of harm.

It is very important to follow these basic rules, otherwise there can be no certainty that the resulting amulet, made with his own hands, at least in some way can fulfill its purpose.

Recently, in addition to the shape, colors and signs of the zodiac, the traditions of Chinese lunar calendars, especially the symbolism of a particular year, have gained some popularity. There is no reason to doubt the deep and age-old wisdom of the East, so let's look at magical objects according to their calendar.

What strong amulets for luck can be used in everyday life?

Such talismans can be not only drawings, but also amulets of stones, animals and plants. In the meantime, we offer you to get acquainted with the list of the most powerful amulets.

The most powerful magic amulets for luck:

  • bamboo sprouts. It turns out that this resistant plant can be safely used to make a personal amulet. After all, bamboo is a symbol of success and prosperity in any start-up business. According to Feng Shui, in order to activate the power of the plant, it must be placed in the east room;
  • horseshoe is another no less powerful amulet that attracts good luck. It protects against poverty and misery. Many countries still use this amulet today. A horseshoe made of iron has the sacred power of the elements of fire and metal. It is said that a person who finds a horseshoe will be lucky for life.
  • Such a horseshoe should be hung in the house, above the front door, ending down. Thus no evil force will be able to penetrate your fortress. Your family will receive powerful protection from magic and damage. If you place a horseshoe with the horns up, prosperity and financial prosperity will always reign in the house;
  • scarab beetle - an amulet to attract good luck, came to us from ancient Egypt. By the way, this beetle was considered sacred by the Egyptians. Therefore, the image of this insect is perceived as a divine being. The scarab beetle is a transformation, a rebirth into another world. It is also a symbol of vitality. Without which humanity will not exist on earth. In addition, the beetle attracts good luck not only in the material world, but also in the spiritual. When you use such an amulet, you will receive powerful protection from energy vampires, black magic and destruction;
  • rabbit's foot - the animal's hind legs are used for the amulet. This mascot attracts good luck and provides material well-being. Also, the amulet helps parents conceive a child;
  • cat's eye - this stone protects the owner from black magic, helps to overcome any difficulties with minimal losses. This amulet is universal. It is usually used by businessmen and gamblers; elephant - figurine brings success in any activity, and also helps to attract wealth, financial prosperity, wisdom;
  • amulet in the form of a key is a magical amulet. Also, luckily, you can use any version of the keys. Such variants of talismans open hearts and paths to wealth, attract success and improve health.

You should not think that our ancestors with constant perseverance, in vain, as it may seem to someone, believed in the power of magical objects, various and non-random symbols, signs and mystical signs, that all this to some extent, was and already isinfluence on us. influence on their and our lives and destiny. The stable nature of phenomena simply speaks of the existence of connections between man and his, in a sense, amulets or amulets.

No matter how they later tried to call it or explain it, it was a miracle or a coincidence. By changing the phrase, not only can thoughts materialize or come true, we ourselves can to some extent transfer some of them into what we have done with our own hands.